The port of Aden and its role in the ancient local and international trade
This research aims to highlight the role and status of the port of Aden, which is considered a mainstay of communication between
The worlds of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea on the one hand, and between the worlds of the Indian and Persian Oceans on the one hand
On the other hand, Aden was known as a city, a commercial port, and an ancient market in Yemen and the Arabs.
In the past, it was subjected to several local kingdoms, including Awsan, Qataban, Sheba, and finally the young Kingdom of Himyar.
An important strategic location that gave it commercial weight through long historical periods, which paved the way for weaving relationships
Distinguished with the centers and metropolises of the old world.
The importance of the research lies in clarifying the trade relations that linked Aden to the outside world
The ancient, such as its relationship with the ports of the East African coast, and its trade relationship with Greece and the Romans
Egypt and the coast of the Mediterranean, and its relationship with India, Sindh and Persia, and these have been immortalized
Old Testament book relations, inscriptions and classical sources.
The research contributes to identifying the types of commercial goods entering the local port of Aden from them
The impact of these trade relations on Aden, the city and the port, and the resulting mixture of many
Of the cultural and civilizational elements between Aden and those peoples.