The semantic and functional dimension of the verb [Kada] in the Holy Quran


  • د. سعيد بن محمد بن علي آل موسى أستاذ اللغويات المشارك بقسم اللغة العربية وآدابها، جامعة الملك خالد، أبها، المملكة العربية السعودية


Semantics, Verb function, Approaching verbs, lexical meaning


This paper addresses the verb (Kada), which indicates the approach to the occurrence of the verb that comes after it as an object, in terms of its lexical meaning as well as the meanings of the similar verbs in the approach meaning. It also clarifies the semantic differences between them in terms of its function and its grammatical significance in the two cases of its presence in the installation proven and exiled.

The same applies to the occurrence of this verb in the Holy Qur’an in the two cases mentioned, and the connotations that it holds. The paper reached several results, the most important of which is that this verb is like all other verbs when it is negative. It also indicates the negation.

البعد الدلالي والوظيفي للفعل (كاد) في القرآن الكريم




