The metaphor and truth and their effects according to Alshukani's Hermeneutics "Fateh Alqadir" Semantic study


  • / منير عبدالله أحمد إسماعيل باحث دكتوراه- قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها – جامعة القصيم


Language, interpretation, literal fact, metaphor, semantics, Alshukani, Fateh Alqadi


The metaphor and truth and their effects according to Alshukani's Hermeneutics  "Fateh Alqadir"  Semantic study



Semantics is one of the major branches in linguistics with it's two subcategories, metaphor and literal fact. It is also a branch of rhetoric. Linguistic semantics has a profound effect on understanding a lot of the Qur'an's vocabularies. So, a lot of interpreters depended on semantics as a linguistic methodology to interpret the verses of Holy Quran. The Immam Alshukani was one of those interpreters who were interested in this linguistic side in his Hermeneutics "Fateh Alqadir". We will identify the dimensions of Alshukani's concern to exploit this semantics in Hermeneutics to reach to the wanted particular meaning of the vocabulary within the context through his use of linguistic semantics, both metaphorical and literal fact and his semantic efforts as well. In brief, we will know the linguists' perspectives about the metaphor and literal fact. Then the study undertakes the linguistic semantics according to Alshukani, both metaphorical and literal fact through some samples of his interpretation to know it's affects. At the end, there have been a lot of results, such as Alshukani's perspective about the linguistic semantics, his semantic efforts and his opinion about metaphor and literal fact through interpreting some vocabularies in this context, explaining that the metaphor is different from the literal fact in term of locating within the context and the deduction. Alshukani was concerned about discovering the semantics through the context without launching characteristics of semantic development such as generalizing the semantics, specifying and expanding the meaning and so on.

الحقيقة والمجاز وأثرهما عند الشوكاني في تفسيره  (فتح القدير) دراسة دلالية




